The Lord's Plan

 The Great Mother agreed willingly, for she also believed that expressing her regret would end the discrimination. Neit went to grab their daughter, and The Great Mother held her baby boy as the three walked rapidly to the middle of town; where once stood an enormous church became a sanctuary for imperfect townspeople named The Lord’s Plan. Three guards of woolen tunics and cloaks eyed the sanctuary around the clock. The guards immediately opened the golden doors at the sight of The Great Mother and her husband. Neit led her to the end of the hall and into a black door that read: Room III of X.

Upon opening it, screams and cries were emitted from the room. Mentors in charge of the children were expected to correct these children. The law stated that the mentors use “any form of methods to correct imperfect children.” Two of the mentors were caning a child simultaneously in hopes of teaching a lesson to those children with learning disabilities. The Great Mother winced at every crack of the cane as Neit held her waist. Further observation proved to The Great Mother that this sanctuary was nothing but torture. Crack! The child’s back began to develop bright red marks as he begged the mentors to stop with a lisp. 

Lividly, The Great Mother snatched the canes from both mentors while her baby cried and threw them to the ground. “This is wrong!” she shouted at them. “All wrong!” With her left arm, she grabbed her daughter by the hand. She held her other babe tight with the other and ran to the blue hills of Intalant; the place that had the best view of the silvery moon. Neit did not allow himself to chase her until she reached the blue hills, for he knew where she was headed. The Great Mother reached the blue hills and admired the moon that beamed luminously below them. 

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